Friday, December 25, 2009

20 Liter Rule Bender! (What a joke!)

Credit card way to bend 20-litre fuel cap rule

(Taken form TheStarOnline)

SOME Singaporeans have quickly found ways to circumvent the ruling allowing foreigners to buy only 20 litres of petrol within 50km of the border.

Sin Chew Daily reported that they would use credit cards issued by Malaysian banks to fill up.

Another way was to pay cash for the first 20 litres and use their credit card for the rest.

A third method was to fill up 20 litres from one petrol station and proceed to another for another 20 litres, reported the daily.

Some Singaporeans would fill up at a petrol station and return 15 minutes later to pump petrol again.

A petrol station employee in Tebrau said there was no way to check if the Singaporeans had already gone to a petrol station to fill up before they go to another petrol station.

Ha ha ha ha ha! This is not un-expected. The Petrol Station Owners will sell Petrol to Singaporean no matter what. This is Business so it has nothing to do with Citizenship.

If the Malaysian Gov really want to Curb the out flow of petrol to Singapore, it is actualy not hard. No you don't need to remove the subsidy (unless this is the excuse the Gov is looking for)! What Malaysian Gov and its whole Band of smart Gov people need to figureout is actually:


Is that so hard? IF they have full tank when coming in then they will not be buying it to be used in Singapore! The GOV have a couple hundreds thousands of Degree Holders working for them, why not use these Brains or is "these" Brains Useless?

Ha Ha Ha Ha! (Of course the GOV could be using this as a scape goat to increase the Fuel price again, it that right?)

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