I have just purchased 6 juvenile discuss from a forum ( http://www.discus.com.my/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2431 ) member (Alan). They are a very good buy as all of them is very health and acclimate very easily to my tank. They all actively feeding on tetra bit just after 5 hours of getting into my tank. (I wass worried they would reject Tetra bit as they were fed using beef heart by Alan.
With the 6 juvenile banded Turquoise Discus added to the tank, now I have 7 Discuss, 4 Panda Cory, 2 Rummy nose Tetra and 1 Spotted Pleco in the tank.
You might find it weird that i have clean out the whole tank as it was a planted tank before. Well my tank was over run by green slime algae, it was my mistake to change both lamp bulb to Toshiba's. It was way too bright and contribute lots to the growth. I eventually clan up the tank removing the sand and stones and algae covered drift wood and plants. It is lot of work and was done in one day.It is easier to keep bare tank as i can just clean stuff of it and siphon it off.
If you want to buy Turquoise Discus, let me know and i will bring you to Alan.
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