I have chanced on a set of Hella 530 Clear Fog lamps. It uses 55W 12V H3 bulbs as standard. As my car is lack of fog lamp and the original used unit is snapped up like hot cakes by the locals (imagine paying for RM250 for a pair of used Fog lamps), so i took it and got it installed by the shop selling it. I tested it at night near 12.30am when the petrol station have closed, they have a wall at a very dark corner for me to align the lights.
Now it is safer to drive in FOG, Rain or very dark roads as the view does have improvement.
Views from inside of the car. Those Red Blue bins are trash cans and you know how big are those, this is for you to estimate the distance to the wall which is more or less than 8~10 meters.
No light:

Just Fog light:

Just Head light:

Both Fog light and Head light:
Nice! I like how the lamps are hidden behind the bumper, probably blocked off a bit, but much safer and discreet :)
He he he.... Thanks Leong.
Ya blocked a bit but if no block, it is very very bright. I actually aim it near to the floor to make sure i don't blind anyone... :P
Wow..now you can touge at night with full visibilty..hehe..
Ya ya... when come out to touge at night la?
No la.... touge a night is only for professionals. I install it for night Highway drive if i have to. :P
I tought you said you were going to install yellow bulbs?
The H3 55W comes as a package so i take it lor.... But the light out is also yellow (see the 1st pic). So i plan to let the bulb die then change to full yellow bulb. :)
Nice fog lamp..very hard to die. Just change to yellow bulb la. Keep the white for spare. Hehe..
Vince... dont you think the fog light aim too much on the center?
Or maybe hard to see in the photo?
yalor got a little bit obstruction... due to custome bracket. Will deal with it later :)
Now still can use mar.. :)
No thread tyre also still can use ma..why you change new tyre? Hahaha...
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