Below is some of my findings:
1) Steel 4-2-1 for B16A. (Maker A)
- Price RM 280 and below.
- found poor welding quality, weld intrusion to the flow hole is more than 5mm.
- Tube and plate plate and hole mismatch more than 7mm delta.

2) Alloy Mugen Replica 4-1 for B18C. (Maker B)
- Price RM7x0+.
- Very good Argon welding, very good quality.
- have QC sticker label.

3) Steel Mugen Replica 4-1 for B18C. (Maker B)
- Price RM3x0+
- Good welding quality almost no welding intrusion to the flow hole
- Plate and tube hole mismatch is less than 3mm.
- minor flaw noticed on this unit (at the hole of the first primary tube) and solved by grinding.
- have QC sticker. (Confirm is same supplier as the No 2 header.)

Since i am not sure what the effect it, it would be crazy to dump 700++ on it. So i took the No 3 option. The result is good, the surge of pickup at 3k to 5k is noticeably improved. The engine is much more rev happy. I did not really push the car today so no comment yet, much of this is based on feeling. I have to thank James for recommending the 4-1 to me.
Note: Item (2) and (3) is from the same supplier so the design and workmanship is the same but only the material is different. Item (2) would be more a bling-bling to me me and both will fit as stock unit (no cutting or modification required) so no need to guess which one i took... Picture will tell. I even got my exhaust modified to enable me to swap the S flow or the straight flow HKS. Will put on the HKS straight flow on ONE fine and test it at Cameron :).

(check out the pictures in the link page below)
Recommended Exhaust System shop:
POI Auto Enterprise
012-4617898 (Mr KC Poi)
05 3233963
651, Jln Pasir Putih, Ipoh Perak.
Note: My whole set of exhaust system is done by this shop and I can vouch for the workmanship.
Just tell him Orange Civic "Wong" Recommend (from Blog la).
wow... few hp up after the extractor mod.... :P
I don't dyno my car....yet.
But it feels good :P
Now the exhaust flow out faster...
Its time to let the engine suck air more freely...
Go for high flow replacement filter or open pod with big RAM pipe...
Wah...very powerful and now even more powerful. I can't catch up anymore. Hehe. Whale penis is good. I think I'll save up and change also. Hahaha..but need to wait for 3 months for me to save up RM300++. Hahaha...
go to POI exhaust shop at pasir puteh. Best deal price and very good workmanship. Honest guy and no pusing-pusing one. Just tell him wat u want and he will get it done :P
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