Today I went to Cameron Highland to visit my friend there. I need to get some Jagung and Some Honey. You may be laughing "Jagung?", "Honey?" what so special? He he heh.....
If you have tasted REAL Grade AA Jagung, you will be going back for more........
The honey is the one my Brother bought for me during his last visit to Cameron, i can not find anything like it in Ipoh Market (Believe me i have check all major superstore, chain grocery shop and even Chinese medicine shop. The price is not cheap too..... 400ml Glass bottle is RM22 each. They have economy pack one at 1kg at RM45 but it uses Plastic Container. (The owner tell me the higher cost for the 400ml is because of the bottle is more expensive, i do agree with her)
I was not exactly WOT all the way there except when i needed to over take some Big and slow Lorries and Buses. I was enjoying the touge breeze doing 110~80kmh all the way (except when blocked by traffic). During down hill I was doing 60~80kmh due to wet road, it was raining up hill. When there is traffic, i will make sure no incoming at all and 100% confidence only i will over take. While i trailing a lorry and an Iswara (did not dare to overtake the lorry), a black merce zoomed past. Man that person driving the car must be very desperate to super confident (my guess is the car was doing 120~140kmh, possibly a local uncle "Uncles drives pretty fast at Cameron"). Reached my wife work place safely and got home together, happy day for me :).
Note: I actually over shoot the place and almost ended near Tanah Rata, I do enjoy the hairpin though :). This place is near to Tringkap and before Tanah Rata (which is on the same road to Brinchang). You can look out for "188 Tourist spot on the right of the road as it is more visible. The Bee place is on the left of the road when you go toward Brinchang/Tanah Rata.
Jagung Grade AA? I had never tried before. Bring some for me la. Hehe. Or when you free to lead me up to buy jagung? Haha..
I ask my Cameron Friend to get for me la....... That one usually already export out. :)
But can try get some for u lor. I only manage to get 20 that trip.
No need so many. I only need around 10 or 15. Hehe..got chance we can touge up Cameron. Hahaha...
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