I was having so much problem when raining due to the link arm over swing and hit the side of the wind screen rubber (worn out rubber bush). I have tried to look for a used 1/2 cut unit but they are bad also (It cost RM120), so i returned it. After some searching, i manage to find out that there is an OEM replace for the bush and linkage arm.
I immediately go grab one set for RM80 and return to the garage. I diy replace the linkage and the wiper is good now. Finally no need to worry about driving when raining at night.
DIY king..haha
Very geng... great DIY repair...
Dont think you belong locked up in the plant. Your next job should be in some MOD shop.
I did not do this for money :).
I do this for Hobby :), don't know why but i like it. It does save me quite some money (int his case about RM50 because the used link cost 120+10 workmanship; diy RM80) Thanks for the comment.
Not RM50. You actually saved RM10 only. You saved on the workmanship cost only. Parts still need money no matter DIY or fix by others. Am I right? Hehe..
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