So i started to source for a 4-2-1 to change the power band to mid RPM onwards which will sacrifice the top RPM performance compared to the 4-1. The long welded joint for 2-3 and 1-4 tubes, give me a good idea that this is good quality stuff.
After some time, I manage to find one unit of nice quality 4-2-1. It has good welding joints and made from Stainless steel which now has a yellow tone (after expose to heat the SS will yellow).

After installing it and drive home, i must admit the power does come earlier which is at 2k RPM and this is suitable for normal street driving. Plus there is more clearance to miss those speed bumps.

After searching on the NET i finally found that the unit actually almost replica the Spoon 4-2-1.
(Check out the long welding line joining the 2-3 and 1-4 tubes. Quite similar to the unit above?)